
Cleaning Accountability: Such is Life

I must restart my list. Such is life. With everything going on this past week: marriage conference, death of one of my husband's grandparents, and many other things, my house has gone back to disarray! I am starting over again, and this time, I'm determined to do it well. 

Even thought things look a lot better here than they have looked lately, I still want to start over because of all the unexpected events around here.

I'm even having my babes help out around the house, and they LOVE to help.  It's amazing what a child will do if you just give them a rag to work along side of you! I don't let them use harsh chemicals, but warm water is perfectly okay.

Here is my Cleaning Accountability Schedule for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week:

Thursday: Clean the kitchen & do laundry
Friday: Clean the living room/dining room
Saturday: Clean first floor bathroom & laundry

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