

Goals for this past weekend:

I have had a very sick little 9 month old, since this past weekend, so things did not go as planned.  The more I try to be scheduled, something always seems to come up, but I love cuddling with my little guy.  I hope he gets better soon!  Some things will just have to wait; such as the following list!

  1. Clean out spare room.
  2. Put up other crib for baby in spare room.
  3. Clean the downstairs
  4. Invite someone over
  5. Play on the floor with the kids (they love to play farm animals) (Yes, and I WAS the horse that took the kids on rides around the living room.  That's the best!  I was even fed wooden blocks ;)
  6. Keep TV off most of the weekend 
  7. Date night with my hubby :) (We did go on a date right before baby got the really high fevers)

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